To start with, you must request for a $0 ERC claim before March 22, 2024 midnight. This can be done using IRS Form 15434 electronically. The IRS reviews the application package and sends a letter on the status of your application. If your application is accepted, the IRS mail a closing agreement, which you should sign and return within 10 days of the date of mailing by the IRS.
Multiple 80 percent repayments can be done using Form 15434 using EFTPS and these payments should be made at the same time. You finish by signing the closing agreement.
IRS allows you to recent the 20 percent of the improper ERC claim. The 20 percent is tax-free and you keep the interest that is also tax-free. The 80 percent has to be given to the IRS.
To avail of this offer you must provide the details of the tax preparers or firms that improperly assisted you.
File the IRS form 15434 by March 22, 2024, wait for the response, and pay 80 percent. Installment payment is also available.
First determine the validity of your ERC claim, if any miscalculation, the exercise would be futile.